The Benefits of Vibrational Therapy for Tremor Relief


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    What Is Essential Tremor?

    Essential tremor, also known as benign essential tremor, is a neurological condition that causes involuntary and rhythmic shaking. It can affect almost any body part, but the trembling commonly occurs in your hands, especially when you try to do simple tasks, such as drinking from a glass or tying shoelaces.

    What Causes Essential Tremor?

    The exact cause of the essential tremor remains unknown. However, it appears to involve abnormal electrical brain activity processed through the thalamus, a structure deep in the brain that coordinates and controls muscle activity. This may be corrected with deep brain stimulation.

    Notably, essential tremors are often linked to genetic mutations. This condition tends to run in families, with as many as half of the individuals with essential tremor having a family member with the same disorder called familial tremor.

    Who Is at Risk?

    While essential tremor can occur at any age, it most commonly begins in people 40 and older. It affects both men and women equally. If you have a parent with a genetic mutation for essential tremor, you have a 50% chance of inheriting this condition of essential tremor and movement disorders.


    The Impact of Essential Tremor on Daily Life

    Essential tremor can significantly impact a person's quality of life. The rhythmic shaking associated with this condition can make it difficult to perform daily tasks, such as eating, dressing, writing, or even speaking, if the voice box is affected.

    Moreover, the psychological and emotional toll can be just as challenging. Many individuals with essential tremor disorder experience frustration, embarrassment, and even depression due to their condition.

    How Can Essential Tremor Be Managed?

    While essential tremor disorder has no cure, various treatments can help manage the symptoms.

    These may include:

    • Medications like beta-blockers,

    • Anti-seizure drugs,

    • Tranquilizers,

    • Botox injections,

    • Natural healing, like sound wave therapy,

    • Deep brain stimulation.

    In more severe cases, doctors may recommend different types of surgery. For instance, deep brain stimulation involves implanting an electrode into the brain. At the same time, focused ultrasound surgery uses high-intensity sound waves to target and interrupt the faulty signals causing the tremor.

    Lifestyle changes can also play a significant role in managing essential tremors.

    • Regular physical activity,

    • Adequate sleep,

    • Stress management techniques,

    • A healthy diet can reduce symptoms of essential tremors and movement disorders.

    Understanding Familial Tremor

    Familial or familial essential tremor is a neurological disorder that causes involuntary shaking or trembling. This condition is called "familial" because it often runs in families, passing from generation to generation.

    In many cases, familial tremors are linked to genetic mutations. If you have a parent with a genetic mutation for familial essential tremor, there's a 50% chance you'll inherit the condition.

    Is There A Role for Sound Healing?

    Are you part of the growing wave of wellness enthusiasts prioritizing self-care and holistic health? If so, you're in the right place. Today, we delve into the fascinating world of sound healing therapy and introduce you to a game-changer in the wellness technology landscape: The WAVwatch.

    Given our audience's interest in innovative health technologies, you may wonder: could sound healing play a role in managing essential tremor disorder? While research into this specific application is still in its early stages, sound therapy has shown promising results in various areas of health and wellness, including stress reduction and improvement of mental clarity.

    As we continue to explore the intersection of health, wellness, and technology, stay tuned for future updates on this exciting frontier.

    Remember, if you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of essential tremor, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional. Knowledge is power, and understanding your condition is the first step towards managing it effectively.

    How To Treat Essential Tremor Naturally

    What is Sound Healing Therapy?

    Sound healing therapy, a practice that dates back to ancient civilizations, has been making a modern resurgence. The underlying theory suggests that our bodies may respond to certain acoustical frequencies, providing various health benefits.

    Remember, this isn't just about playing soothing music; it's about using specific frequencies measured and documented since the 1920s to promote well-being and, in this case, treat essential tremor disorder.

    Enter WAVwatch: A Technological Marvel in Sound Healing

    WAVwatch, an innovative wellness device, harnesses the power of sound frequency therapy. It's designed for health-conscious individuals like you who are seeking effective, non-invasive, and easy-to-use solutions for self-care at home.

    This compact device can be worn while working or just going about your day, providing over 1000 frequencies targeted toward common health concerns. It's a testament to how far we've come in integrating advanced technology with age-old wellness practices.


    Real People, Real Results

    Ed, a real-life user of WAVwatch, has seen the impact firsthand. He reported a noticeable improvement in managing his essential tremor, emphasizing the positive difference WAVwatch has made in his life. His experience isn't unique - numerous users have shared similar transformative stories.

    While WAVwatch is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition and is not FDA-approved, it offers a unique approach to managing everyday health challenges. It's a safe, simple, affordable way to support your holistic wellness journey.

    Like millions of others, Ed has been struggling with tremors for years. He had tried various treatments and therapies but saw little to no improvement in his condition. Frustrated and disheartened, he almost lost hope of relief from the constant shaking and movement disorders that hindered his daily life.

    That was until he discovered WAVwatch, a revolutionary device that uses sound frequency therapy to target specific health concerns. Skeptical but desperate for a solution, Ed decided to try it. Surprisingly, he noticed a significant improvement in managing his essential tremor after a few weeks of using WAVwatch consistently.

    WAVwatch self care sound healing device

    WAVwatch Sound Healing Device


    Ed reports that the frequency emitted by WAVwatch has been instrumental in calming his nervous system and reducing the intensity and frequency of his tremors. He can now carry out everyday tasks more easily and comfortably, which was once a struggle for him.

    “I have not been able to hold a cup of coffee for 25 years without spilling it. After one hour wearing the WAVwatch for my tremors, my hands were 90% improved. It lasted for about 1 week, then after using a weed eater, my weaker hand shook more. I just played the frequencies again…. how easy is that!” - Ed

    Ed's story is just one example of the many positive experiences shared by WAVwatch users. This personalized approach to wellness has helped countless individuals like Ed find relief from various health concerns and improve their overall well-being.

    Here’s another story from Dean in Indiana:

    “I didn’t feel anything when wearing the watch prototype-but my arm must have. Although my right hand has more tremors, the area from my elbow to my shoulder went crazy jumping. Again, I felt nothing.  The next morning my tremors were much improved….my wife says my anxiety was also so much better.”

    With WAVwatch, you have the power to enhance your self-care routine and unlock your full potential for holistic wellness. So why wait? Join the WAVwatch community today and experience the transformative benefits of sound healing therapy for yourself!

    The Science Behind the Magic of Sound Healing

    WAVwatch is based on the principles of bio-resonance technology, which involves translating frequencies into gentle electromagnetic waves. These waves mimic the body's natural vibrations, promoting balance and harmony.

    Sound frequency therapy has been proven to help with common health problems. 

    Here’s how it works: 

    1. The consumer selects an area of concern

    2. Wears the watch for the specified time set

    3. They may hear a soft hum or vibration. That’s all. It may be life-changing, like Ed's experience. 

    Newer research explains how sound frequency therapy works. Studies from Denmark in 2005 and 2005 are disputing a common theory from the 1950s that nerve impulses are electrical. Instead, nerve impulses may be from sound.


    Parkinson’s Disease with tremors as a major symptom has been observed for many years with music therapy. One study in particular states that “It supports neuroplasticity. It triggers neurons associated with auditory perception, and the simultaneous practice of regulated movement with this trigger helps establish a strong and permanent connection with motor neurons.

    In another small study of only 5 Huntington’s Disease patients, sound therapy was well tolerated among subjects. Future studies are now being planned to look at the efficacy of this intervention in a larger population of HD subjects.

    If the nervous system is based on sound, changes in nerves, joints, and other painful areas while wearing the WAVwatch make perfect sense. 

    Linda Bamber, the creator of the WAVwatch, says this is the best theory so far on how her invention is changing lives.

    1. Neurons and membranes send signals to each other using sound.

    2. If the wave pattern is changed or blocked, problems will occur.

    3. When a balancing wave is received, the affected body can balance itself. 

    Embrace the Future of Wellness with Sound Waves

    As a tech-savvy, wellness-oriented individual, you're likely already embracing the potential of technological innovations in health. WAVwatch represents the next step forward, offering modern convenience and holistic wellness.

    Remember, it's not just about treating symptoms; it's about enhancing your overall well-being. So, why not explore how sound healing therapy can become a part of your wellness routine?

    For more information on WAVwatch and the science of sound healing, feel free to contact us. Let's embark on this wellness journey together.

    Please note: The effectiveness of sound healing therapy varies from person to person and should not replace traditional medical treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new wellness practices.


    Incorporating sound frequency therapy into our self-care routines is a simple yet effective way to support our overall well-being. As we prioritize our health and seek holistic solutions, it's crucial to explore innovative options like WAVwatch that harness the power of technology in promoting wellness.

    With its convenient and personalized approach, WAVwatch is a game-changer in sound healing therapy. So take the first step towards a holistically healthier you and join the WAVwatch community today!