The Unbelievably Effective Natural Kidney Stone Remedy: Sound Frequency Therapy – WAVWatch

What Is A Kidney Stone?

Kidney stones are a solid mass made up of tiny crystals. One or more stones can be in the kidney or ureter simultaneously. Kidney stones vary in size from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a pearl. Some are even larger.

Kidney stones form when there is a change in the normal balance of substances in your urine. This change causes crystals to form from such substances as too much calcium oxalate, increasing the risk of kidney stones. The crystals or developing kidney stones grow larger, which can cause severe pain.

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    There are different types of kidney stones:

    -Calcium Stones: Calcium is the most common type of kidney stone. These stones can be either calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate.

    -Struvite Stones: These ones form after an infection in the kidney.

    -Uric Acid Stones: These stones can form in people with gout or who eat a diet high in animal protein.

    -Cystine Stones: These stones form in people with a genetic disorder that causes too much cystine to be excreted in the urine.

    Calcium Stones:

    The most common type of kidney stone is calcium. Calcium stones can be either calcium oxalate or phosphate. Both types are equally common.


    The cause of calcium kidney stones is not fully understood, but several risk factors have been identified that can help to prevent kidney stones from forming. These include:

    • Diet: A diet high in animal protein, too much salt, and sugar increases the risk of developing calcium stones. Adjusting your diet can prevent kidney stones from forming.

    • Dehydration: Not drinking enough fluids can lead to dehydration, increasing the concentration of minerals in the urine and raising the risk of stone formation. A simple solution is to drink more water to prevent calcium stones from forming.

    • Family history: Having a family member with calcium stones increases your risk of developing them yourself.

    • Medical conditions: Certain conditions such as renal tubular acidosis, bowel surgery, and inflammatory bowel disease increase the risk of calcium stone formation.


    Struvite Stones:

    Struvite stones form after an infection in the kidney. The bacteria release chemicals that promote the formation of struvite crystals.


    The most common cause of struvite stones is a urinary tract infection. Other causes include:

    • Kidney damage

    • Bladder outlet obstruction

    • Prolonged use of a urinary catheter

    • Previous struvite stone formation

    Uric Acid Stones:

    Uric acid stones can form in people with gout or eating a diet high in animal protein. Uric acid is a waste product that is normally excreted in the urine. If the uric acid level in the urine is too high, it can form crystals that can increase the risk of kidney stones.


    The most common cause of uric acid stones is a diet high in animal protein. Other causes include:

    • Gout

    • Kidney damage

    • Certain medical conditions such as leukemia and lymphoma

    • Certain medications such as diuretics

    Cystine Stones

    These are the least common type of kidney stone, and they occur in people with a genetic disorder that causes too much cystine to be excreted in the urine. These stones are made up of an amino acid called cysteine.

    What Causes Kidney Stones?

    Kidney stone risk increase when there is a change in the normal balance of water, salts, minerals, and other things found in urine. This can happen when:

    -There is too much of one substance in your urine.

    -There is not enough fluid to dilute substances in your urine.

    -Certain substances that are normally found in the urine (such as calcium) can form stones.


    Kidney Stone Symptoms

    The most common symptom of kidney stones is severe pain. This pain starts when the stone moves from the kidney into the ureter (the tube drains urine from the kidney into the bladder).

    As the kidney stones move down the ureter, it causes blockage and complicates urine flow. The pain can be so severe that it has been described as “worse than childbirth.”

    Other symptoms of kidney stones include:

    -Frequent urination

    -Pain in the urinary tract when you urinate

    -Severe in the abdomen, groin, or lower back

    -Blood in the urine

    -Nausea and vomiting

    -Fever and chills

    -Urinary tract infection

    How Are Kidney Stones Diagnosed?

    If your doctor suspects you have a kidney stone, he or she will order blood tests and urine tests. These tests can help your doctor determine your type of kidney stone. Your doctor may also order an imaging test such as an X-ray, CT scan, or ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis.

    How Common Are Kidney Stones?

    Kidney stones are a very common condition. In fact, about 1 in every 10 people will develop a kidney stone at some point in their lifetime.

    Kidney stones are more common in men than women. They also tend to run in families. If you have a family member with kidney stones, you’re more likely to develop them yourself. Many also have recurrent kidney stones and/or repeated urinary tract infections.

    Long-term Risk of Kidney Stones

    If kidney stones are not treated, they can lead to serious complications such as:

    • Kidney disease or damage

    • Ureteral blockage (obstruction)

    • Nephrostomy (surgical placement of a tube to drain the kidney)

    • Urosepsis (a life-threatening infection of the blood)

    How Are Kidney Stones Treated?

    The treatment for most kidney stones depends on the size and type of stone you have. A small kidney stone may pass through your urinary tract without treatment. Your doctor may recommend drinking plenty of fluids and taking pain-relieving medication to help pass the stone.

    Your doctor may recommend a procedure to break up or remove the stone in the urinary tract. Common procedures include extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) and ureteroscopy. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the kidney stone.


    Sound Waves Have Amazing Results for Kidney Stone Treatment

    Have you ever heard of sound frequency therapy?” It’s similar to music therapy, however instead of relying on your ears and mind to capture the sounds, you rely on your body.

    Also known as vibrational medicine, it’s when “vibrations and resonant frequencies go beyond relaxation and stimulate healing in the body” (RosenBloom, 2005).

    Think of it this way: Every living thing in the world has different frequencies, high-frequency sound, and low-frequency; they all sing “songs” and sit in an “orchestra.” Each organism (fungus, viruses, emotions, etc.) sings its own song.

    Your body has different frequencies across organisms too. It destroys it if you broadcast certain sounds with low-frequency or high-frequency sounds back to an organism.

    Kidney stones are no different. A specific frequency range can target that part of your body and system.

    About High-Frequency Sound, Low Frequency ...And Kidney Stones!

    Having a kidney stone is no fun. They’re painful, inconvenient, and just downright awful to deal with. While you want to get rid of them, knowing what causes kidney stones can help you understand ways to treat them and, in some cases, even prevent them altogether.

    You’ve most likely been on the internet searching things like “Kidney stone natural remedies” or “Kidney stones treatment.”

    While most online articles offer lifestyle changes like diet for kidney stone natural remedies, we have found a better, more long-term way to remedy kidney stones naturally so you can get back to living and enjoying your life. 


    Let's Talk About Sound Therapy

    Sound therapy, which includes high-frequency and low-frequency sounds, has evolved over the years and now has many benefits that make it popular, including helping us keep our bodies in balance.

    For example, users can simply wear the WAVwatch, the world’s first sound therapy watch. At the same time, it automatically emits acoustical frequencies to help stabilize the body's functions and correct imbalances even though the person wearing it cannot hear sounds from the watch.

    This treatment has proven positive across many common health problems, including kidney stones in the urinary tract - an easy way to prevent experiencing severe pain!

    The Scientific American, which has been bringing its reader’s unique insights about developments in science and technology for more than 170 years, communicates how effective sound frequencies are for kidney stones: 

     "The principle of directing sound at a brittle object is used, for example, to break up kidney stones—except doctors don't bother to find the resonant frequency, preferring just to blast the stone with lots of sound energy."

    - Scientific American

    A major plus for using something like the WAVwatch is that it does not require an office visit, traditional time-consuming treatments, and the potential for you to spend thousands of dollars on dead-end medication.

    Simply turn the device on, pick a sound frequency setting - low-frequency sounds or high frequency - and go about your day. This gives users more freedom while eliminating the negative effects of dealing with kidney stones. 

    The Rife Machine vs. The WAVwatch for Kidney Stones

    Sound therapy or frequency sounds were once a very cumbersome and hard therapy to achieve. One common methodology for this can be found in the Rife machine. If you are unfamiliar with what the Rife machine does, it is a device created by Dr. Royal Rife.

    It mitigates diseases by emitting its electromagnetic frequencies and pulses through cells. While it’s been proven effective, the major problem is that one of these machines can cost upwards of $3,000!

    Ouch...The WAVwatch uses this technology and method but modernizes it with safer frequencies ranging from 20-20,000 Hz to low-frequency and high-frequency sounds.

    Unlike the Rife machine, it’s a compact device that you can wear all day and won’t break your budget. These devices are similar in that they target cell areas to disrupt diseased or affected areas to promote changes in the body. 

    Due to modern technological advances, the WAVwatch has taken sound wave therapy treatment and put it neatly into a portable system so that you can go out and live your life without having to be tied down to traditional sound therapy methods.

    A Cheaper and Effective Alternative to Kidney Stone Treatment: The WAVwatch

    But what is the cost of such revolutionary technology you can wear on your wrist? How much is the WAVwatch?


    The WAVwatch, the World’s First Sound Therapy Watch With High-Frequency Waves and Low-Frequency Sound

    Well, you see, that is the best part of the WAVwatch. This device is not only more convenient to wear and use, but it is so affordable!

    Traditional methods of treating kidney stones, natural and pharmaceutical, cost a fortune. Depending on treatment numbers and severity, some costs can be as high as $10,000. And the WAVwatch’s cost? It’s a one-time fee of $497!

    With such a small cost, the device not only pays for itself in value, but you get your freedom back! You can start living as you want and spend less time at the doctor’s office. 

    One of my friends, Don, told me this about kidney stones experience:

    “My last kidney stone episode was several days in the hospital on pain meds and water until it passed. The worst time in my life. It cost $40,000”. 

    Crazy huh? Absolutely! What an absurd amount of money to solve such a seemingly simple problem. Wouldn’t you agree? 

    Measuring High-Frequency Waves And Low-Frequency Sounds

    The WAVwatch uses patent-pending technology, which has 850+ acoustical high-frequency and low-frequency range sets for specific types of joint pain, carpal tunnel, migraines, neuropathy, essential tremors, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and many other self-care ideas.

    Your body absorbs the sound of the different frequencies for a set period based on your selection. It uses precisely measured sounds and vibrations to help finely tune and balance our bodies.

    Resonant frequencies - high-frequency and low-frequency sounds - create precise oscillations to gently and quietly harmonize your body without disrupting your day.  Turn your dis-harmony into harmony with the WAVwatch.

    The Future of Kidney Stone Treatment - Frequency Sound Therapy with the WAVwatch 

    The WAVwatch has been developed, tested, and prototyped, and now it’s finally here for our consumers to wear and use! The watch is out for anyone to purchase.

    We are very excited to announce that the WAVwatch will be used to do a kidney stone study for a doctorate thesis.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the benefits of low-frequency sound and high-frequency sounds therapy?

    Some benefits of sound therapy include:

    1. Relief from pain

    2. Increased circulation

    3. Reduced inflammation

    4. Reduced stress and anxiety

    5. Improved sleep quality

    6. Boosted energy levels

    7. Enhanced mental clarity and focus

    8. Increased sense of well-being.

    How does sound therapy work?

    Sound therapy uses specifically calibrated sound waves to target specific body areas. The sounds help reduce pain, inflammation, and stress while promoting circulation and relaxation.

    What is a sound frequency example?

    A sound frequency is a specific vibration that is calibrated to target a specific area of the body. For example, one sound frequency may be used to target pain relief while another sound frequency may be used to promote circulation.

    How long do I need to use sound therapy?

    The length of time needed to use sound therapy will vary depending on the condition being treated. Some conditions may only require a few minutes of treatment, while others may require longer periods of time.

    Is sound therapy safe?

    Yes, sound therapy is safe for most people. However, if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, or are taking medications that affect blood clotting, please consult your healthcare provider before using sound therapy.

    What are the side effects of sound therapy?

    The most common side effect of sound therapy is a feeling of relaxation.

    Does insurance cover sound therapy?

    Sound therapy is not typically covered by insurance. However, some insurance providers may cover the cost of sound therapy devices if a physician prescribes them for a specific condition.


    If you’re looking for a drug-free, surgery-free kidney stone remedy, sound frequency therapy with the WAVwatch may be the solution. The WAVwatch is a wearable device that uses specific sound frequencies to target kidney stones and other pain points in the body.

    The device is safe, easy to use, and relatively inexpensive. Give it a try today and start living your life without kidney stones!