Sound Frequencies vs Music For Therapy: What Is It and How Does It Work?


Sound For Emotional And Physical Wellbeing

Music therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship. Music therapy is an allied health profession and one of the expressive therapies, along with art, drama, and dance/movement therapies.

Music therapy is an effective way of improving mental, physical and emotional well-being. The treatment aims to achieve specific results such as reducing depression and anxiety.

Similar results can be achieved by using sound frequencies in the form of a wristwatch to heal many health issues in the comfort of your home when you're out shopping or at work and whenever you need to use it. More about this later!

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    Healing Through Music - Harvard Health

    Music has always been a part of human culture and is often used in religious ceremonies and rituals. Music has also been shown to be helpful in physical health and tension management process.

    Harvard Health research suggests that music can be beneficial for people undergoing surgery, cancer patients, and those suffering from aches. In one study, people who listened to music before surgery had less fear and less need for pain medication than those who did not listen to music.

    In another study, cancer patients who listened to music during treatment had lower fear and tension levels. And in a third study, people with chronic pain who listened to music for one hour a day for two weeks had less pain and more energy.

    Music can distract people from their aches and discomfort. It can also provide a sense of control for people who feel like they are losing control over their bodies and lives. Music can also help reduce fear and tension, improving physical and emotional well-being.

    When choosing music for healing, it is important to select pieces that you enjoy and that have personal meaning for you. The music should be relaxing and not remind you of stressful or painful experiences. If you are unsure what type of music to select, ask your doctor or music therapist for recommendations.

    Types Of Music Therapy

    There are different types of music therapy, each with a different focus. The three main types of music therapy are:

    1. Active Music Therapy: Active music therapy involves the use of improvisation and a musical instrument. The client and music therapists work together to actively create and play music, improve musical skills and achieve therapeutic goals.

    2. Receptive Music Therapy: Receptive music therapy involves listening to music specifically chosen to meet the client's needs. The therapist may also use guided Imagery and relaxation techniques during the session.

    3. Analytical Music Therapy: Analytical music therapy is similar to psychotherapy because it uses the power of music to explore emotions and help clients understand themselves better. The therapist will often choose specific pieces of music that relate to the client’s situation and encourage them to talk about their feelings while listening.

    Benefits of Music Therapy

    Music therapy can be customized to suit everyone—even young adults and children can use it. The program is versatile and benefits people undergoing music therapy with varying musical experiences, health conditions, and communication abilities.

    There are many benefits of music therapy. Some benefits include:

    • Helping people cope with mental health issues like stress management, fear and anxiety reduction, and depression.

    • Music therapy can help lower blood pressure and heart rate and reduce cortisol (the stress hormone) levels.

    • Managing aches: Music therapy can help to alleviate both chronic and acute pain by providing a distraction

    • Improving social and communication skills

    • Self-expression and self-awareness

    • Boosting self-esteem and confidence

    • Enhancing memory and cognitive skills

    • Supporting physical rehabilitation

    • Improving the quality of life for people with dementia like Alzheimer's disease

    Sound Frequencies As A Therapeutic Tool: The WAVwatch

    One alternative therapy that is becoming increasingly popular is using frequencies as a tool for overall well-being and various health conditions. This therapy uses specific sound frequencies to target different body areas to promote physical health and medical conditions, improving mood and overall health.

    The WAVwatch is a wearable device that uses frequencies to improve numerous health and emotional symptoms. The device emits a low-level pulsing sound that helps to stimulate the release of endorphins—the body’s natural painkillers.

    Key findings are that the WAVwatch can be used successfully for various conditions such as:

    The watch has 1000 frequencies in total, so you can pick which issues you want to address and when!


    Sound Frequencies vs Music Therapy: Pros and Cons

    There are pros and cons to both music therapy and using Hertz frequencies as healing tools.

    Pro: Music therapy is a more traditional approach that uses live music or recordings of musical pieces specifically chosen for the client. A music therapist's work may also include using instruments, singing, and movement to music.

    Con: A disadvantage of music therapy is that it requires the involvement of a trained professional, which can make it more expensive than other types of therapy.

    Con: Also, some people may not enjoy music or feel uncomfortable talking about their emotions with a therapist.

    Pro: Sound frequencies for healing is a newer approach that uses specific frequencies to target different body areas. The therapy is typically done using a wearable device that emits pulsing sounds, which can be turned down so that it doesn't disturb the wearer, and yet it will still do the job required of it.

    Pro: The WAVwatch can be worn anywhere and anytime, and most people won't even be aware that you are actually "undergoing treatment" as you visit with them or are doing your work in your office.

    Pro: This type of frequency therapy is that it is less expensive than music therapy because it does not require the involvement of a professional.

    Pro: It can also be used for an extremely wide range of conditions.

    Pro: Frequency therapy is a newer approach, but it is backed by scientific research.

    Like any healthcare private practice, this therapy has been studied and demonstrated by science. Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, Director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine at Cornell Cancer Prevention Center, says sound heals us physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

    “Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiological functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder,” said Dr. Mitchell Gaynor. 

    Translation? This therapy can help ease our minds, make us feel more energetic, and even care for physical ailments like the flu, back pain, sinus infections, breast lumps anxiety disorder, and many more!

    Pro: Advantages of both sound frequencies and music therapy are:

    • It can be used with people of all ages—even children can benefit from it.

    • Both are also adaptable to different needs

    • Both can be customized for each individual

    What Happens During A Music Therapy Session?

    A music therapy session is typically 50 minutes long and is led by a certified music therapist. During a session, the music therapist will use a variety of techniques, including:

    · Listening to music

    · Playing musical instruments

    · Singing

    · Writing songs

    · Improvising

    · Movement to music

    · Music and imagery

    · Group drumming

    The music therapist will tailor the session to meet the individual's needs and therapy goals. Music therapy is typically provided in a one-on-one setting but can also be provided in a group setting.

    Do Music Therapists Have To Undergo Training?

    All music therapists must have at least a bachelor's degree in music therapy from an accredited institution. They must also complete an internship and pass a national exam before becoming certified.

    Music therapists who wish to specialize in a particular area, such as working with children or people with Alzheimer's disease, may undergo additional training.

    How Much Does Music Therapy Cost?

    Health insurance plans typically cover music therapy. The cost of music therapy varies depending on the type of service provided and the number of sessions required. Group sessions are often less expensive than individual sessions.

    How to Find a Music Therapist?

    If you are interested in trying music therapy, the first step is to find a qualified music therapist. You can search for a certified music therapist in your area by visiting the American Music Therapy Association website.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is music therapy right for me?

    Music therapy is a versatile treatment that can be customized to suit everyone. It can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions, such as stress, anxiety, pain, depression, and dementia.

    How does music help mental health?

    Music can help improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety levels, and boost self-esteem. It can also provide a distraction from chronic pain.

    Do I need to be musical to benefit from music therapy?

    No, you need not be musical to benefit from music therapy. Music therapy is suitable for people of all ages and with different levels of musical experience.

    How many sessions of music therapy will I need?

    The number of sessions required varies depending on the individual's needs and goals. Some people may only need a few sessions, while others may require ongoing treatment.

    Does relaxing music help kids sleep?

    Yes, relaxing music can help kids sleep. It can also help to reduce stress levels and promote positive emotions.

    What type of music is used in music therapy?

    Various music is used in music therapy, including classical, pop, rock, and jazz. The type of music used will depend on the individual's needs and preferences.

    How does music benefit your life?

    Music can improve mood, reduce anxiety levels, and boost self-esteem. It can also provide a distraction from chronic pain. Music therapy can also help to improve communication and social skills, enhance memory and cognitive skills, and support physical rehabilitation.

    What Are The Risks Of Music Therapy?

    There are no known risks associated with music therapy.


    Music therapy is a type of treatment that uses music to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs. Music therapists use various techniques, such as listening to music, playing musical instruments, singing, writing songs, improvising, and moving to music.

    Sound frequency healing and music therapy can be used to treat various conditions and is suitable for people of all ages and with different levels of musical experience. There are no known risks associated with either therapy.

    Thanks for reading, and if you have something to share, please do so in the comments below.